Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

I remember Anna reading the book and saying how gross it was, making her hate fast food more than she even did before. I only read half, however, and noted not too many gross things. Unjust and strange things perhaps, but nothing to upset my stomach thus far. I've read about the origins of the majority of the fast food restaurants, the workers, how the companies are in cohoots with the government as far as law making concerning them goes, about potatoes, about the flavouring for all of the processed foods (which lose their flavour, and thus need the extra drop or so made in a factory), and just about made it up to cows and the beef.
I found the book to be wholly fascinating, and am glad to have taken it up and in. A side note that I found to be ironic: one of the associations doing things for the fast food corporations is called the National Restaurant Association, nothing too strange -- except the letters spell NRA, reminding me of the other organization with the same name... I mean all people have their own thoughts on the organization dealing with guns, but it just clicked to me. hmm....
Nobody can ever convince me that In N' Out french fries are bad for me. Not when they taste that good...
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